Funkmaster V says Boo!

Wassup Funk Nation??? It's been a wild summer for the Funky One fo' sho, and I would like to thank all of the believers for making it the best summer of old Funkers career. I was the Cover Story of the Maryville Daily Times, I've been on several radio shows and podcasts, and I won the EGO PRO Heavyweight Championship and the East Tennessee Youtube TV Title in the same night, and Detroit Funk City seems to be reforming. You can help me make it even better!!!

If you click this link, please vote for Funkmaster V for your Favorite Indy Wrestler and also "The Phoenixx" Brittany Foxx as your favorite Grapple Girl in the Grapple Magazine poll. Grapple Magazine is poised to be an awesome new wrestling magazine featuring world wide superstars and regional indy rasslin heroes! We will appreciate the love!!!

Also, big Tony made the Pimp Cup that I broke in the infamous Pimp Cup match of 2009 with Dwayne Windham... I always felt bad that it shattered. Well, here is some pop-art he made for me I PROMISE I will not break! Thanks Tone the Bone!!!